Vice Chair, Elected 2023
Elected to the Board: 2016
Voting Trustee
Richard M. Alexander practices in the financial services area at Arnold & Porter in Washington, D.C. His practice involves some of the most critical enforcement, supervisory and governance matters affecting the financial services industry. He represents companies and their officers and directors, as well as accountants and attorneys, in enforcement or investigative proceedings brought by federal or state agencies. He was managing partner of Arnold & Porter from 2005-2015 and its Chairman from 2016-2024.
Alexander is consistently listed in Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business for Financial Services Regulation: Banking (Enforcement and Investigations) and Best Lawyers in America for Banking and Finance Law.
He is on the Board of Directors of Justice in Aging, a national advocacy organization fighting senior poverty through law.
Alexander graduated magna cum laude from Brandeis University in 1979 and earned a J.D. from Syracuse University College of Law in 1982.
Alexander serves as vice chair of the Board through early May 2027. He also serves on the Board Executive, Board Organization and Nominating Committee, Finance, Enrollment and the Student Experience, and Academic Affairs Committees. He will serve as the chair of the Academic Affairs Committee as of early May 2025. He is the leader of the Advisory Committee on University Climate, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility and Academic Affairs Working Group. He served as co-leader of the Special Committee on University Climate, Diversity and Inclusion and as a member of the Advisory Special Committee and a member on the Academic Planning and Steam Station Ad Hoc Workgroups. His Syracuse University service includes the College of Law Board of Advisors, of which he has been a member since 2013. Alexander received the 2020 Dritz Trustee of the Year Award.
He and his wife, Emily Alexander, established the Albert M. Alexander Scholarship Fund and the Rhoda S. and Albert M. Alexander Memorial Scholarship at Syracuse University, both in memory of his parents. They have also helped establish the Honorable Judge Theodore A. McKee Endowed Law Scholarship and have supported other initiatives in the College of Law and student financial aid.