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We value the commitment of students who participate in our Syracuse University Project Advance (SUPA), Syracuse University Summer College and Accelerated Semester Online programs. Participants in these signature Syracuse University programs for high school students have demonstrated a dedication to learning and proven that they are serious about college success.

The Guaranteed Orange program rewards SUPA, Syracuse University Summer College and Accelerated Semester Online students for their initiative, hard work and enthusiasm for Syracuse University.

Benefits of Guaranteed Orange

To reward their dedication, Syracuse University offers eligible students:

  • Guaranteed admission to Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences. Students applying to other colleges within Syracuse University will not be guaranteed admission but will receive full consideration for those programs and applicable scholarships.
  • A $20,000 per year tuition scholarship* – that’s $80,000 over four years!

Please note: The Guaranteed Orange Scholarship cannot be added on to other Syracuse University merit-based scholarships.

If you receive a merit-based scholarship greater than $20,000, the Guaranteed Orange Scholarship will cover the first $20,000 each year and the remaining amount of your scholarship will be provided by the named scholarship you have received.

If you are awarded a merit-based scholarship of less than $20,000, you will instead receive the Guaranteed Orange Scholarship, up to a maximum of $20,000 once your eligibility is verified.

You must maintain a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.75 and complete at least 12 credits per semester to continue eligibility for any merit-based scholarship funding.


You qualify for Guaranteed Orange if you:

  • Have completed or plan to complete at least 6 credit hours through SUPA, Syracuse University Summer College or Accelerated Semester Online by the end of your high school senior spring semester. Students who completed a combination of courses from these programs that equals at least 6 credits are also eligible.
  • Achieved at least a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) in the courses that you completed.
  • Must have achieved an overall high school GPA of 3.7 (on a 4.0 unweighted scale) or 4.7 (on a 5.0 weighted scale) at the conclusion of your junior year.
  • Apply to Syracuse University by the deadlines.

Next Steps

  1. Apply to Syracuse University using the Common Application or the Coalition Application, powered by Scoir, by November 15 (Early Decision) or January 5 (Regular Decision and Early Decision II). All SUPA and Syracuse University Summer College students regardless of credit hours obtained may apply to Syracuse University free of charge.
  2. Once we confirm your GPA for the courses you completed, you will be notified if you qualify for Guaranteed Orange. If you are currently enrolled in a SUPA or Accelerated Semester Online course that will fulfill the 6 credit requirement, you will be notified of your eligibility for Guaranteed Orange after your semester grades have been confirmed. This notification may not come until after you have received admission notification.

*To retain their scholarship throughout their time at Syracuse, students must register full-time each semester, maintain an average GPA of 2.75, and maintain satisfactory academic progress and academic integrity.

For questions, please contact the Office of Admissions at