Not only does Syracuse University prepare you with a knowledge base but it prepares you with the relationships that you’re going to take on for the rest of your career.
Creating a Sustainable Future
An inside look at the lab pioneering solutions for a net-zero carbon economy.
Read the storyCan AI Solve Architectural Problems?
Artificial intelligence—like ChatGPT and image generators—opens a world of opportunity for imaginative architects tackling today’s challenges.
Read moreFrom Service to Entrepreneurial Success
Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans (EBV) empowers post-9/11 servicemembers to build flourishing businesses and thrive in civilian life.
Learn moreEngineering a Career After Service
A student veteran will be the first Syracuse student to intern at Micron Technology and was Sen. Schumer’s guest at the State of the Union address.
Read the storyStudying Abroad While Defending Democracy and Human Rights
Syracuse University students studying in France gain new insights into democracy while broadening their global perspectives.
Read the storyTurning Data and Information Into High-Impact Solutions
A distinguished professor uses machine learning models and algorithms to transform how we live.
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